Our cloud-based technology supplies a simple-to-use document management portal that gives utility workers a single source to access customer-related documentation.
Our file storage platform allows utilities and energy retailers to track and manage customer documentation, including letters, contracts, images, audio recordings, videos, bills, and more.
Effortlessly track and organize every customer document—from contracts and previous bills to any form of documentation, all conveniently located in one central hub, inclusive of document metadata. Enhance security with access controls tailored for authorized personnel only.
Simplify operations with our cohesive solution. Elevate your collections strategy, diminish financial losses, and foster positive customer interactions through seamless data cohesion across your utility platforms. Our system seamlessly synchronizes with the VXengage solution for optimal performance.
Delight your customers and streamline your team's workflow. Empower your customer support representatives with instant retrieval of critical documents, enabling them to swiftly address billing inquiries, service disruptions, or outage concerns, thus enhancing the customer experience.
Reach your customers how they want and allow them to opt in or out of communications to improve your customer service.
From contracts to previous bills, view and access all forms of documentation in the same place, including document metadata. Ensure privacy with permissions-based access for authorized users.
Integration makes things easy. Improve the collections process, reduce bad debt, and positively impact customer behavior by maintaining data consistency across your various utility systems.
Impress your customers and make life easier for your teams. Give customer support specialists quick access to important documents when customers contact them to report a billing, service, or outage issue.