Reducing water consumption at the end-use point has far reaching benefits including reduced operating costs, lower system pressure, extended asset lifetimes, and deferred capital investments.
By improving water-use efficiency, water treatment expenses can be curtailed, extending operating budgets without compromising water quality.
Water loss rates of up to 20% due to leaks and bad meter data are common. Improved demand management results in reduced NRW losses and lower system pressure.
Reduced demand leads directly to reductions in electricity costs for pumping. High energy prices and growing peak demand charges are one of the top operating costs for most water utilities.
Improved demand management reduces customer bills and improves satisfaction, yielding lower call volumes and driving down customer support costs.
The model produces discrete period savings coefficients for every month in the evaluation period. Savings are then applied using the control group mean GPD, as well as the percentage savings for that period.
Results are available through the Utility Analytics Dashboard in both percentage terms and total acre feet at both the individual and cumulative levels for the entire treatment group.
To perform savings analyses in the absence of a randomized control trial, a statistical technique called propensity matching is applied. The propensity match uses monthly usage to compare the members of the treatment group to potential controls who have not received any Home Water Reports. The treatment members are then matched 1-to-1 with a member from the control group pool based on their monthly usage in the pre-program period.
Measurement and verification based on randomized control trials provides a way for utility managers to quantify the effectiveness of various utility programs.