Complete your next technology implementation or upgrade headache free with a prescriptive approach that delivers projects on time and on-budget with 100% launch success track record and lifetime support. In fact, VertexOne's FastStart™ Deployment Promise provides a templatized approach based on extensive experience with different types of utilities, ensuring your project is delivered on time and within budget.

Deployment (FastStart) - Feature Image


Redefined for 30+ Years  

We know you want to provide the best experience for your people and team. That’s why we make the process simple for you. VertexOne FastStart™ has been refined through more than 30 years of experience to ensure that your implementation is on time and on budget.

From migration to end-user buy-in, our methodology makes the entire implementation process as seamless as possible.


Support Beyond Deployment 

Once the solution is stable, implementation transitions into support. VertexOne manages the solution on your behalf from monitoring batches and interfaces to applying upgrades and ensuring that the system meets our jointly defined performance criteria.

Embrace technology that enhances your utility’s customer service experience and supports employees with VertexOne.


View Our Deployment Promise Brochure